Listen to your goals for your insurance program and what makes your business unique.
Understand your business and its risks.
Approach the insurers that specialize in your business.
Review and benchmark data. Present proposals to client.
The beginning of our approach involves listening to you, the client, in order to glean a better understanding of your operations, and what your goals are for your insurance program. By gaining this valuable insight, we are able to understand your risk. This allows us to set and achieve outcomes that conform to our client's expectations.
We take all of your concerns as well as your current insurance information for review and analysis. We thoroughly scrutinize your current program for any coverage shortfalls and identify coverage gaps. We also analyze each aspect of your premiums to determine where we can provide the most significant savings. Your risk will then be packaged and submitted to various insurers in the marketplace.
Upon receiving responses from the marketplace, we then take the premium data and coverage options and utilize our internal modeling and metrics to determine which options best fit the needs expressed by the client. This is where we merge your expectations with market based results.
We merge your expectations with market-based results, explaining in detail the insurance program we've assembled, advising you on market responses and industry conditions. Our expertise ensures protection from previously unidentified exposures, earning your trust and satisfaction.
Curious to learn more about insurance and the important purpose we serve? Delve into our frequently asked questions to acquire a comprehensive understanding of how our professional facilitation can benefit your team or organization.
Your business has specialized insurance needs that only certain insurers will want to insure. We have access to the markets that specialize in your specific industry. Our job is to find the insurer that will provide the best coverage at the best price.
This depends on your risk tolerance and/or industry. Based on your type of business, we will be able to provide options that will satisfy your risk tolerance and any additional requirements set forth by lenders, governmental authorities, contractual obligations, etc.
Generally, we are paid a percentage of the premium you pay as a commission from the insurer providing coverage. In other instances, we negotiate a fee based structure depending on the scope of service. Lastly, we are paid contingent income from insurers based on certain profitability metrics. For more information on our compensation structure, feel free to inquire with one of our professionals.
We specialize in property and casualty insurance. However, we have the capacity and resources to solve pretty much any insurance need that may exist. Whether it is group benefits, home insurance, life insurance, business insurance, etc., we have the experts to assist.
Contact Us Today. Insurance is complicated and we are here to help.